Whitemud West Evaluation Vision

The process of player evaluations is crucial to ensure that all children are placed on a team that he/she are able to compete, contribute and enjoy his or her hockey experience. The process is laid out in great detail for all age groups and divisions. This is to help the parents, coaches and players fully understand the process and expectations with evaluations.

Whitemud West Player Evaluation Mission Statement:

The goal of the WWHA Player Evaluation Process in the U9, U11, and U13 categories is to be the best hockey association for player development and placement. This starts by fairly and consistently evaluating players for the purpose of ensuring that they are placed appropriately to enjoy all aspects of the game. The intent is to maximize the player’s ability to develop, compete, contribute and succeed by playing with peers of equal strength and ability. WWHA will tier its teams in accordance with the tiering policy of Hockey Edmonton.

The above goals will be achieved through the establishment and maintenance of a consistent evaluation program that is open, transparent, fair and objective.


Whitemud West evaluations for the upcoming 2024- 2025 season are set to begin at the beginning of September. Visit the Evaluations tabs for more information. Should you have any questions or concerns please contact Claudio Virga - VP of Evaluations by email vpevaluations@whitemudwest.com