About us
The Whitemud West Hockey Association (W.W.H.A.) is a volunteer operated non-profit organization formed to organize and administrate hockey on behalf of the families within the Whitemud West area.
An Executive Committee and appointed members of the board is formed from the general membership to carry out this mandate. The Executive consists of the President and four Vice-Presidents.
Whitemud West encompasses the area within the City of Edmonton which is bounded by Stony Plain Road and McKinnon Ravine on the North, the North Saskatchewan River on the East and South, and the Edmonton city limits on the West.
The office is located at: #100 - 18138 105 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 2T4
Our office hours are:
Monday to Thursday: 9 am - 1 pm
We are closed Fridays and all statutory holidays.
P: (780) 486-6486
E: admin@whitemudwest.com